There are several people who have addictions and additional weight because of it. While I must actually suggest a total
Life-style Change approach to weight reduction, in this post I am going to address the food addiction part of it, and potential care.
Any consumable or non-consumable product
or activity may be catalogued as an addiction when it is incessant, emotionally tied to a situation, and Can't Be STOPPED simply or you would have already done so. Smoking is an obsession, eating chocolate is a dependence. So is soda pop, alcohol, many types of drug usage, candy and candy, potato chips,
including excess eating generally! The treatments I offer for stopping the repeating of these habits do change for the product somewhat , but also can vary for the individual, because we're all different in our constitutions.
Let us take
soda pop obsession and additional weight. Now you must know if you do not already, that the extra sugar in soda pop is damaging, if not deadly. It goes like this: When the body senses a blood sugar level going higher over a certain amount, the body triggers an endocrine cellular command to convert the sugar to fat, which it does anywhere in the body including within your veins. So besides arteriosclerosis, accumulation of fat in the insides (larger omentum) and subcutaneous layer begins to happen. Translation: you are chubby, you are fat, and you are beginning vascular illness.
With soda pop,
caffeine is also a horrible player for your condition. Caffeine is a drug in the body, typically acting for worse in my view. Caffeine excites the body, we feel awake and more alert short term, but we pay a price for that later when it wears off and we feel psychologically low or addictively needy. The lows of emotion often cause folks to alter their lifestyle to sleep, eat, or interrupt their emotional and mental astuteness. It is much better to be naturally steady, at least in the inhibitions of normal human emotional range.
If you take diet soda pop, you have fixed the sugar issue but you may not have fixed the caffeine issue. Diet soda pop still has the addictive quality to its relationship with a person. Diet soda pop contains AGE's, advanced glycolsylation end-products. These are regarded as by most doctors to be cancer causing kinds of compounds in the body.
What are the payoffs for drinking soda pop? First it provides a mental time-out from whatever we do that we don't want to be doing. The sweetness or sugar of soda pop provides the core drive with the feeling of I'm alright. Each sip, every bottle or can, can be interlinked to that awfully basic, self-assuring human need. Even stimulating your lips by drinking from a bottle could cause subconscious contentment from stress. You might want to consider supplying yourself at once, emotionally with that belief-emotional instinct by instead joining in non-addictive experiences or contemplative-meditative therapies.
2nd, if caffeine is an element of your addictive process, realize why you feel the need for the upper. Are you on a roller coaster food/libation stimulation lifestyle, also using coffee or other drugs? Stopping the cycle will cause caffeine headaches for many people lasting a day up to 2 weeks. If you are emotionally low, depressed or bored, simply realizing you are upping your energy through chemicals may inspire you to do so naturally without food/beverage chemicals. If you're bored or have concealed depression, that needs a glance at your decisions, principles, job, relationships and lifestyle.
Thirdly, there is the carbonation effect of drinking cold soda pop. This was my biggest reason for drinking soda back in the day when I drank Doctor. Peppers. It was that primitive, esophageal burn that one gets when drinking soda pop that appealed to me most. I felt relieved and energy dispelled when I drank soda pop. It was like a lion's roar! The esophagus is a primitive muscle organ. That burning carbonation feeling was very exciting to me and shifted my emotional energies around in an awakening, stimulating manner.
Each food or product can be tied in to the psychological, emotional, lifestyle core of an individual's inner and outer environment. Some of the systems I identified with soda pop may apply to you and other products or habits. There are precise chemical correlations too, such as with alcohol and the nicotine of tobacco. Food obsession cures may also have combined chemical emotional equivalents.
Fourth, there is the way of living habit. Of holding a cold bottle or can in your hand and sitting or strolling around with it while you spend a little bit of time to
relax and enjoy. The hands are sensuous, and holding a cold object in the hand excites the brain immensely and distracts one from whatever unpleasant or boring situation may be gaining your attention before. Glaringly, the necessity for relaxation and enjoyment might be of paramount seriousness to your lifestyle decisions and thinking. Address this with time, considering what your life is currently about and change things a bit at a time if this is the case. There are other
non-edible pleasures in life , and you may need to discover, remember or imagine and experiment with life.
Fifth, some food obsessions are because of the food actually containing nutrient elements that are inadequate in your body. I suspect the body is really capable of making food drives due to needs of the body that it somehow knows are in certain foods. This doesn't have a bearing on all food addictions, but certainly applies to some in my view.
Therapy for soda pop particularly is this: If you're a carbonation junky, then switching to a fizzy water like Perrier will satisfy that esophageal burn. After a few cases of fizzy water go by, you will want less and less gaseous water as you cope with your lifestyle and emotional needs. You may also start by alternating Perrier, for example, and soda pop. Less soda pop is way better than more wouldn't you agree?
Begin taking a high quality multivitamin, a magnesium/calcium product, and an omega 3 oil and re-stock your body by taking trace minerals for 1-3 months. These core products will supply all the scientifically needed nutrients for your body's health and thus satisfy some hunger addictions while providing obligatory healing nutriments for your body cells. I also suggest for sugar cravings as well as diabetes sufferers, to supplement their body with chromium and vanadium for 3 months. These trace minerals are obligatory for correct sugar metabolism. Their deficiency may be a account for your sugar or soda pop cravings.
For sugar neediness, I recommend going thru the sugar withdrawal rather slowly by instituting regular complex carbohydrate and protein eating throughout the day. Don't go a long while without having a natural plant snack or low glycemic value small meal. Don't eat sugary foods or highly sugary kinds of fruit. You want to stabilize your blood sugar analysis readings and also stabilize the endocrine modulators to that sugar and eating. When they stabilize, your sugar drives will diminish. It takes 2 to 3 days for intake of sugar adjustments to lessen and stabilize. If you've got to eat something liquid and sugary, think about using stevia to chop your sugar proportions as your body adjusts.
In the approach to life wants category, there are numerous activities that may be substituted for having to take 5. Walking is an instance of the best. Watching TV is an example of the worst. Find an enjoyable and stimulating lifestyle activity that will healthily substitute for sugar wishes.
Caffeine needs also need ending the vicious cycle either gradually or abruptly. Abruptly typically means caffeine withdrawal and headaches or constipation. Magnesium orally will fix the slower bowel end results of going off caffeine. Staying hydrated will help reduce the caffeine withdrawal. You may need headache discomfort alleviation for the near term.
Many addictive foods are foods your body doesn't digest well and basically makes antibodies too in numerous cases. Testing the body with a blood food sensitivity test may exhibit which foods are making you sick. Hostile foods create a love/want/hate emotional need in numerous folks. Identifying the wrong food, or if your addictive food is actually an irritant, will help you in planning an anti inflammatory escape from this way of life. Anti-histamine additions may be employed while you're getting off these types of addictive foods in cases like these.
Homeopathic cures may relieve the requirement for candy or sugar. See a
homeopathic provider who will find the best remedy for your total health picture. Some of the homeopathic remedies for sugar are: calcerea carbonica 30C or 200C, and kali-c 30C, or 200C. Some candy remedies are: lycopodium, chininum, and argentum nitricum. Still, given how homeopathic remedies are determined, a homeopathic provider may suggest some others specially for you as an alternative.
Other treatments for obsessions may include hypnosis and other discovery patterning therapies for the addiction emotional mental food connection.
For highly resistant food addictions, I think about employing the following: For someone who is an adult and has no esophageal or airway issues, taking ipecac after gorging yourself on the addictive food, will result in a. Lasting revulsion and vomiting association with that specific food. Ipecac causes vomiting, so there need to be provisions, and nobody likes to barf or feel queasiness, but the food association with the nausea reply may obliterate the addiction drive for that food.