0 The Biggest Reason People Fail To Lose Weight

If you stepped on the scale every morning only to see a lower number than the day before, your clothes continued to become looser and looser, and you could see positive results in the mirror, would you continue to diet and/or exercise?

Absolutely, you would.

If losing weight is our goal, we ALL would. No matter how hard we were working out or how strict of a diet we were on... Results motivate us. In fact, we would probably start working even harder and refine our diet even more to get more drastic results.

Nothing is more motivating than results. Nothing!

On the other hand, if you are working out and eating right and not seeing any results either on the scale, your measurements, or in the mirror, you are very unlikely to continue busting your butt and restricting your diet. I mean... why would you?

The bad news: Effort and hard work doesn't necessarily lead to our desired results. Lots of people put forth both and get nowhere. I see it everyday.

Why is this? Several reasons...

- There is tons of misinformation out there about fat loss. You can't always believe what you read. While there is lots of good information available, just know that some of it is not true.
- People choose the wrong "diet" foods. Just because something is labeled as or considered a "diet" food, doesn't mean that will help (and not hinder) weight or fat loss.

- Some people waste tons of time and energy every week working out but not doing so in a way to get the results that they are striving for.

- Some will starve themselves, which royally screws up their metabolism and causes weight gain over time.
When this happens, what do you do? The large majority quit. And honestly, you can't blame them. Why would anyone continue to sacrifice if they aren't making any progress?

Think for a minute... Why are you working out so hard? Why are you giving up certain foods that you love? What is fueling all of this behavior?

The desire for results!

Whether the results you are after are related to better health, physical appearance, more confidence, feeling better/more energy, etc., results are what fuels 99% of people trying to lose weight. If results are not what's fueling you, you are going to quit and give up sooner rather than later.

A few pointers:
- A key bit of information ~ muscle weighs more than fat. Thus, just because the number on the scale has gone up doesn't mean that you aren't making progress. You could've built muscle, which actually burns fat.
- Don't weigh everyday. Weigh yourself when you start, take all of your measurements, then tuck them away for the time being. Another key thing to do is keep a diary. Nothing fancy. Just document how you are feeling, health stats, etc. along the way. Not all results are going to appear in a mirror.

Keep up the good work. You deserve to be & feel the best you possibly can.

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