0 Must You Do Thousands Of Crunches To Get Defined Abs?

By Howe Russ

As a fitness enthusiast, you have probably laughed to yourself whenever you have heard somebody asking their personal trainer how to get a six pack in 3 minutes or less. Lots of gym users are obsessed with finding the quickest way to get results and it rarely leads them to success. However, if you know how to create a good exercise program it is entirely possible to get results from very short abdominal workouts.

Whether you are a personal trainer, a gym coach or merely a fitness enthusiast who wants to get in better shape it is very likely that you have heard countless myths about the best approach to sculpt your midsection.

Some fitness enthusiasts forget that their abdominal muscles are quite small and don't need hours of intense training to develop. They often spend hour after hour performing crunches at home to no avail. The good news for those individuals is that a change of plan is called for. []

Of course, you may have also heard the expression that abs are built in the kitchen. This is true, so if you want to get maximum results with today's guide you'll need to watch your eating habits and ensure you are following a healthy, balanced diet each day.

The main thing which needs to be cleared up when it comes to exercises is that there's not one definitive move for your midsection. There is no exercise which trumps everything else. The most effective way to develop a strong core and midsection is to combine the best moves for the major areas involved. See below:

1) Lower Stomach - Full Leg Raises.

2) Upper Stomach - Elbow To Knee Crunches.

3) Overall Core - Elevated Plank.

Do not conform to the popular belief that you must train your midsection for hour after hour. They are very small muscles and react very well to quick, short bursts of activity which hit all of the main areas of the stomach. The workout above can be used very effectively as a circuit for those who are looking for a bit more of a challenge.

Try performing each exercise for 30 seconds without rest. When you reach the end of the circuit, simply rest for 60 seconds and then go again. If you can do three rounds of this circuit without stopping then this will not only improve the development of your abs, it will also help you to burn lots of unwanted body fat at the same time.

Due to using a high intensity approach, this type of training greatly enhances fat loss benefits because it keeps your heart rate elevated throughout. While you may be focusing on hitting your abdominal muscles, your body is also focusing on burning off as much unwanted fat as it possibly can.

Anybody can achieve results if they are prepared to put in the work for themselves. Most folks would like to know how to get a six pack in 3 minutes per day but don't genuinely believe they'll ever find a method which works. You just did. Whether you are a fully qualified personal trainer or a gym user trying to bring out your midsection definition for the very first time, you will experience great gains with proven techniques such as HIIT circuits and this can be used for any muscle group.

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