0 Steps On How To Increase Pitching Velocity

By Lela Perkins

In baseball, throwing a good pitch is one of the most important aspects of the game because this will determine whether a team will have the upper hand or not. A good pitch will require a lot of individual muscle movement, concentration, and a lot of knowledge of physics. So if one would one to improve his game a thousand fold, then here are some steps on how to increase pitching velocity.

Now when throwing a really good pitch, one has to remember that the entire body must be in motion during the whole time. This means that the torso, the shoulders, the hips, the hand, and the legs will all be moving at the same time. So the first thing that one should do is to condition his entire body equally.

The next thing to do would be to practice throwing the ball with a very relaxed hand. If the hand is very tense, then the pitch will not be as fast as it is supposed to be. So always remember to relax the muscles and try to make the motion as fluid as possible.

So for the details on how to pitch, one must first concentrate on his arms because this is the part that is directly in contact with the ball. The arms will create the rotational force to give it power. So whenever one prepares himself, he must pull the arm back so that when the ball is thrown.

Once the arms are already dealt with, then one must take note of the movement of his torso. In order to create a lot of force behind the arm, the shoulders as well as the waist must be given an extra twist. This rotation will be able to give a lot of centrifugal force which will create speed and power.

The last thing to think of would be the leg movement which will give the pitch an entire jolt of power. If one would take time to look, he would see that a pitcher would raise his leg and smash it to the ground before he pitches. The main purpose of doing this is to create a sudden boost of power to the body and give the pitcher balance.

So if one would put all of these movements together, then he would be able to throw a good pitch. While smashing his foot on the ground, he must twist his entire body while swinging his arm rapidly in order to create the maximum force. At the very last second just right before releasing the ball, one has to twist his wrist and pull it back in order to create speed.

So basically, this guide will teach pitchers on how to increase pitching velocity effectively and efficiently. As long as one follows this guide, then he will be able to throw unbelievably fast throws that a lot of batters will not be able to follow. Just remember to pay attention to details and be very meticulous with each body movement so that the pitch will be perfect.

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