0 How to Incorporate Exercise at Your Workplace

By Dave Lee

Sitting in front of the computer at work rarely requires any mobility; which leads to the development of a sedentary lifestyle. People who develop this lifestyle and do not exert effort to find time to exercise are bound to gain weight and develop other health problems.

Although it might sound like a good idea to quit your job and find a new career that will enable you to move around all day long, there are other appropriate and realistic steps to improve your situation and create a healthier environment at the comfort of your desk.

Replace Your Chair for a Ball

Sitting on a chair all day long doesn't have to be boring anymore if you replace your desk chair for a bouncy exercise ball. This genius ball can be used to perform a variety of exercises to improve your posture, circulation, and of course burn calories. An exercise ball is an enjoyable chair replacement to use in the office.

Exercise balls are not only fun to sit on; they offer many health benefits when used consistently and in the right manner. Frequent use of the exercise ball helps improve the circulation of your blood and also your posture. Keeping your balance while sitting on the ball is sometimes difficult which makes it a perfect tool to strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Move More, Burn More

Exerting more effort to do simple physical activities on your way to work, during, or after can further improve your fitness and help you to not only burn calories but to also increase your energy to function properly during the long hours. Doing something basic, like walking around the office building before clocking in for work or using the stairs instead of the elevator, can really help you squeeze in a cardio workout into your workday schedule.

Get Up and Stretch

Sitting all day can put a lot of strain on your muscles and inhibit proper blood circulation. Every now and then you should get up and stretch your legs, arms and back muscles to improve circulation and coordination. Take a walk to the photocopy room and while waiting try doing a few arm and leg stretches and hold that extended position for a few counts and repeat. Doing a few stretching exercises every now and then can make you feel relaxed and relieved.

Tighten Your Muscles

Abdominal and Gluteal muscle contraction exercises can be performed while sitting down on a chair or even on your exercise ball. You start by gently tightening your muscles, hold it for a count of ten and then as you exhale, slowly release, rest for two seconds, then repeat a couple of times all throughout the day. This procedure helps to strengthen your muscles in these two areas and in the long run help you achieve hard rock abs and buns.

Lifestyle changes entail a bit of creativity and effort on your part to start incorporating some exercise and a healthy diet into your work habits. Whether it's taking the stairs instead of the elevator or improvising with office equipments you might find around the workplace, these changes will make a difference in staying fit versus adding pounds.

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