0 The Main Rules Of Building Abs In Double Quick Time

By Russ Howe

The main issue most men and women face in the gym is battling through the constant hype and quick fixes which dominate most gyms. Most people are fooled in to believing they can discover how to get a six pack in 3 minutes by uncovering a secret formula on the internet. While that is a nice thought, it's merely a dream.

When you are attempting to develop lean and strong abdominal muscles, you must focus on the five basic rules of success which have stood the test of time in gyms around the globe.

They are as follows:

1. The recovery time of abs is quicker than other muscles.

This means that you can train them more frequently than other muscle groups. Most people are able to train their abs two to three times per week and achieve fantastic results.

2. Quality over quantity.

There is a common misconception with abs. Many people falsely believe that they need to do thousands of reps to see results.

If you were using a weight for bench press which allowed you to reach a thousands repetitions, you would certainly just end the set and increase the resistance. Training your abdominals is like training any other muscle group.

3. Incorporate variety.

While most folks limit themselves to just sit ups and crunches, there are various other pieces of kit you can use in your workout to add much needed variety. Ab wheels and swiss balls, for example, will provide a good starting point.

4. Get a balanced abs workout.

The problem which affects most people on the gym floor is that they do too many crunches and not enough of anything else. There are several areas of the abdominals which need to be stimulated if you want to get a very lean, athletic look.

While crunches hit the upper abs, you can add exercises such as torso twists for the obliques and leg raises for your lower abs.

The problem with crunches is that they heavily target the upper two abs muscles. Doing endless crunches means you will have a very unbalanced midsection.

5. Turn up fat burning by increasing the intensity.

Abs workout do not need to be long, drawn out affairs. They are small muscles which can be hit quite easily. By treating it as a circuit, you can add a great fat burning effect in to your abs routine and increase fat burning considerably.

Instead of banking on the development of a miracle product which can teach you how to get a six pack in 3 minutes or less, put your faith in science. The latest scientific research, which is documented in today's five rules, will help you to get on the right track to a leaner, more powerful physique immediately.

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