0 Is The Ice Cream Diet For Real or Not?

By James Steele

It's certainly understandable to feel unsure about the Ice Cream Diet just based on its name. Let's see, you want to drop some weight, but you eat ice cream - not just eat it, but eat it everyday. Does seem contradictory. However, the Ice Cream Diet claims you can indulge in this treat every day and still achieve your weight loss goals. So, ok... we're going to review this Ice Cream Diet, and let you know what we find and think about it.

Saturated fats are found in animal products, Ice Cream is not especially low in that area. In addition to the ice cream you are permitted to consume, the diet also includes cheese, meat and fish. Saturated fats are considered "bad" fats, recently it was discovered this is not justified. Follow the recommedations and you wont be getting a very large amount of saturated fat. The Ice Cream Diet may be a healthy alternative to the conventional diets.

They take advantage of human nature and psychology in this diet. When you restrict yourself from something in particular, there's an unusual feeling of wanting it even moreso than before. When it comes to diets, if we don't eat anything we like, we will feel deprived. People usually put weight back on after dieting because they want those foods they were deprived of during the diet. Therefore, this approach reduces all those feelings of deprivation, and the feeling of wanting to eat unhealthy foods after the diet are reduced, accordingly. This reduction in feeling deprived allows people to feel more positive, and it will also neutralize a lot of frustration and pent up energy.

Daily intake of calcium is important for optimum weight, plus it contributes to overall good health - just a little note about ice cream. The extra calcium will be an aid to weight loss because it's easier to lose when you have enough calcium in your system.

One possible disadvantage of the Ice Cream Diet is, like many diets, it's possible that if you stay on it for very long you will get bored. It's a low cal diet, bottom line, no matter that you get to eat ice cream. You really might start feeling like you're eating the same low cal foods every day - and you will be. This can, of course, be a challenge when you are on any diet, but some people prefer more open type of diet plans where they have a wider variety of choices. Your ultimate success with the Ice Cream Diet will depend on several factors, and you maybe should think about that before getting started.

As we now know, the Ice Cream Diet can allow people to lose weight in a healthy manner using the principles of psychology. It depends, however, on sticking to the dietary and exercise recommendations and eating a very limited amount of ice cream. If you are able to do this, you can lose weight on the Ice Cream Diet.

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